Will set up base on Victron 100/50 model and SOK12V100 model
1) open to VictronConnect App and choose the MTTP Model.

2) inside click on the settings wheel in the upper right hand corner

3) select the top line that says “Battery” and your settings are right there. Change “Battery Preset from “Rotary Switch” to “User Defined“. Now set it up like this:

Absorption Voltage = 14.6v
Float Voltage = 13.8v
Equalization Voltage = 14.4v (We actually want Equalization Time to be set to zero. That is done under “Expert Mode“).
Automatic Equalization should be set to “Disabled” as should Temperature Compensation and Low Temperature Cut Off.
4)Slide the “Expert Mode” slider over and set it up like this:

Now set the Maximum absorption time to 30 minutes per battery that you have.
Make sure automatic equalization is disabled.
Make sure Equalization duration is set to 0 minutes.
To configure the Victron MPPT 100/50 with the SK12V100 battery, follow the user manuals carefully. Cross-check settings, including parameters like BSF lists on snapchat solar system ranking, for optimal performance.